
Online Leaderboard Maker

Generate your leaderboard in seconds. It's free and easy.

Create Leaderboard

No installation or account setup required. Just create a leaderboard, add players and update scores.

See how it works.

At work, home or in the classroom

Generate a leaderboard for games, trivia, sports and competitions at work, school or with family and friends.

Keep a running game-night leaderboard tally. Ditch the pencil and paper. Automatically keeps track of all-time wins for ultimate bragging rights!

Motivate employees with friendly sales competition leaderboards.

Engage students and have fun with classroom contests and track academic achievements.

Full of features

We dont just keep the score:

  • Rank by highest or lowest score
  • Customize the leaderboard title and description
  • Scores can be positive, negative, whole numbers or decimals
  • Reset leaderboard scores for easy reuse
  • Leaderboard Stats, all-time rounds scored and set leaders
  • Player elimination: Options to eliminate the last place player
Premium Tools

Unlock premium features with a one-time upgrade option:

  • Upload an image to create a branded leaderboard or a sponsor ad or logo.
  • Customize the color scheme to match team or company branding, or just to beautify it!
  • Auto-refreshing of leaderboards embeded on your website with our provided widget script. Display updates to the leaderboard as they occur.
  • Access "Broadcast" view for clean display of leaderboard on a public-facing TV or monitor.
  • Bulk upload player lists.
  • Allow public/shared creation of new players.
  • Remove LeaderboardHQ branding from embeded leaderboard widget.
  • Support further developemnt of LeaderboardHQ.com!
Clean look and feel

Made to look good on a computer, tablet or phone. The online leaderboard can be viewed in any browser. No ads or annoying graphics.

It's a much easier and better looking option than creating a leaderboard in Google Sheets or Excel.

Collaborate & Share

Share admin or private links for others to edit or just view the online leaderboard from anywhere.

Allow players to update their own scores through individual scoring links.

Display your leaderboard on your own website with a custom script tag.

NEW: Create and manage a Ladder Tournament!

Make your own leaderboard.

Get Started!